Find below, a folder tab for each year of the Fynbos Forum from 1979 – 1991. Download the programme for each meeting.

Find below, a folder tab for each year of the Fynbos Forum from 1992 – 2004. Download the programme for each meeting.

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Day 1


Rupert Koopman


Keynote speakers

David Le Maitre


Alien plant invasions, their impacts and effective responses

James Blignaut


When systems are broken, restoration becomes the narrative


Session 1

Lungile Khuzwayo


Detection and mapping of invasive alien plants in the Western Cape Water Supply System (WCWSS)

Glenn Moncrieff


I know what you did last summer: locating and dating land cover change events in the Renosterveld

Sandile Mdoko


Invasive potential and management interventions for Melaleuca diosmifolia in South Africa

Georgina van Biljon


Monitoring active riparian rehabilitation sites in the Berg & Breede River catchment, Western Cape, South Africa

Monique van Zitters et al.


Making the case for active riparian rehabilitation. A comparison of methods in the Berg-Breede Catchment, Western Cape


Special Session

Lesley Richardson

Flower Valley :  Conservation Collaboration in the Overberg:


Session 2

Ruan Veldtman et al.


Predicting social wasp invasion in Mediterranean type ecosystems: insights form the Cape

Andrew Turner


A fresh look at biocontrol for pines

Simcelile Chenge et al.


Using geospatial technology to identify groundwater dependent wetlands

Peni Metho


Exploring the representation of wetlands in hydrological models and their applicability to palmiet wetlands of the upper Kromme catchment

Julia Glenday et al.


Connectivity clues: hydrological monitoring to understand surface and groundwater flows in the Kromme and Baviaanskloof catchments, the eastern end of the Table Mountain Group

Richard Bugan et al.


Quantifying the Water Benefits of Ecological Infrastructure Restoration: Greater Cape Town Water Fund Case Study



Virtual Field Trip

Breede River Restoration



Keynote speakers

Cornelia Krug


Connecting local to global: the role of research networks and science-policy interfaces

Odirilwe Selomane


Collaborating in social-ecological systems research: lessons from PECS and beyond


Session 1

Carla Wood


Table Mountain Fund Pride Programme – Immersive experience

Kirsten Watson et al.


Communication in Conservation: Flower Valley as a Case Study

Ancois de Villiers


Levers for transformation in uncertainty: Operationalising inspiration, social capital and learning in landscape-based initiatives in South Africa

Chavoux Luyt


Cape Leopard Trust Cederberg Project – Using Environmental Education to Create Change Makers


Special Session

Matthew Zylstra

Finding connection, commitment and community in Covid19:


Virtual Field Trip

Adriaan Grobler & Alastair Potts


Session 2

Tshepiso Mafole et al.


The effect of altered rainfall seasonality on C4 grass establishment in Fynbos and Renosterveld in the Cape Floristic Region.

Shonese Bloy et al.


Hydraulic Segmentation assisting in tree survival post-fire

Kayla Atkins et al.


Investigating vulnerability to cavitation and mortality thresholds in Restionaceae

Rob Skelton


Local convergence in drought impacts in a diverse Southern African evergreen sclerophyll community

Kristen Nolting & Kent Holsinger


Individual-level leaf trait differences reduce competitive effects within and among species in Proteaceae communities

Tanisha Williams et al.


Species distribution modeling methods predict drastic distribution shifts across South Africa

Martina Treurnicht et al.


Functional traits explain the Hutchinsonian niches of plant species



Renosterveld Book Launch



Keynote speaker

Bongani Mnisi


Urban Nature Conservation: People & Nature, Together?


Session 1

Andrea Schnetler


Wildlife winners and losers in the development of Cape Town: factors influencing medium and large mammal species richness in urban nature reserves

Anina Coetzee et al.


Natural and artificial resources for urban nectarivorous birds

Monique du Plessis et al.


The effect of artificial nectar feeders on birds and Erica visitation rate in the Cape Fynbos

Julia Wood et al.


Measuring the Success of Conservation Planning using The Cape Flats Core Flora Conservation Programme as a case study

Nicholas Galuszynski et al.


Biodiversity Management Plans for Ecosystems (BMP-Es): an untapped resource for urban biodiversity conservation and management.


Special Session

Lynette Munro

Lynette Munro:  Biodiversity Offsets – Theory and Practice


Virtual Field Trip

Stuart Hall


Session 2

Jasper Slingsby


Using the ignition catchment concept to predict human impacts on fire

Wynand Calitz


The impact of climate variation on plant flammability of an aseasonal rainfall region.

Annelise Vlok & Kgaugelo Shadung


Fire management under a changing climate in the Swartberg Complex World Heritage Site

Alan Lee


A Family in the Fynbos: A 10 year immersive ornithological experience

Anisha Dayaram


National Vegetation Map 2021: What to expect, and an opportunity for the Fynbos Forum to contribute to the next version

Makhosazana Ngwenya et al.


Prospects for using heated controlled atmosphere treatments as a postharvest disinfestation technique against Proteaceae phytosanitary pests

Special Session

Jasper Slingsby

Jesper Slingsby: EFTEON Symposium


Virtual Field Trip

Ceinwen Smith

Ingcungcu Sunbird Restoration Project


Day 01, Session 01

Day 01, Session 2.1

Day 01, Session 2.2

Day 01, Keynote – Michael Pirie


Day 02, Session 01

Day 02, Session 2.1

Day 02, Session 2.2

Day 02, Poster Session

Day 02, Field Trip Session

Day 02, Keynote – Rupert Koopman


Day 03, Session 1.1

Day 03, Session 1.2

Day 03, Session 2.1

Day 03, Session 2.2


Day 03, Keynote – Aileen Anderson

Medecos 2022

(combined Fynbos Forum)

Abstract booklet


Day 1


Keynote session 1: Spotlight on Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems: Model systems for global change comparisons, regional and local responses

Keynote session 2: Ecology of the West Coast of Southern Africa

Symposium 1: Plant life on atypical substrates in MTEs

Keynote 3: Vegetation of the Greater Cape Floristic Region: a floristic perspective

Symposium 3: Pan-African MTEs – Integrating multiple dimensions of diversity towards understanding the diversity, ecology, evolution and conservation of MTEs in Africa

Thematic Session: Big data & Biodiversity challenges for a shifting future:

Short talk & Welcoming Function: Successes and gaps on a journey of re-integrating the Cape’s forgotten foods into local foodways

Symposium 2: Brent Mishler & Pablo Vargas Gomez – Spatial Phylogenetics of Mediterranean-type Regions of the World

Interview session: Sierra Standish: Oral history project – The Mediterranean-type Ecology Network Oral History Project

Printed Poster session 1

Thematic session: Fire-driven evolution of MTE floras

Day 2

Keynote Session 4 & 5

Thematic Session

Workshop 1

Thematic Session

Workshop 2

Symposium 4- Advances in Remote Sensing of Biodiversity in Mediterranean-type Ecosystems

Symposium 5- Using remote sensing to understand and manage Mediterranean-type ecosystems

Symposium 5- Using remote sensing to understand and manage Mediterranean-type ecosystems

Symposium 6- Using long-term data to conserve and manage Mediterranean-type ecosystems

Printed Poster session 3

Day 3

Keynote 6 & 7

Thematic Session- Biodiversity & species interactions

Workshop 3

Thematic Session- Specialised species, habitats and their conservation

Workshop 4

Day 4

Keynote 8 & 9

Symposium 7

Thematic session- Demography, population dynamics and biogeography of MTE’s

Keynote 10

Symposium 8

Thematic session- Ecophysiology and Functional traits

Hall 2: Thematic session- Biodiversity & species interactions

Hall 2 : Thematic session- MTE conservation needs and actions


Hall 2: Thematic session- MTE’s as socio-ecological systems

Day 5

Keynote 11

Symposium 9- The Palaeo-Agulhas Plain revises our understanding of the Cape Floristic region

Thematic session- Current biodiversity conservation challenges for a shifting future

Keynote 12 & 13

Symposium 10- Global Forest Communicators Network

Workshop 5

E-Poster session



Fynbos Forum 2023

Abstract booklet



Download the abstract booklet HERE

Click below to find the presentations of the presenters

Fynbos community in flowers
